
Undergraduate Studies
Undergrads, take a virtual tour of MIT's Humanities, Arts, and Social Science fields. Discover which options are the most meaningful for your goals.
Tour the Fields of Study

100% of MIT undergraduates study the humanities, arts, and social sciences.
Discover why

Mens et Manus in the History Workshop
"The past is an excellent laboratory," says Anne McCants, Professor of History. In a hands-on history class (21H.343), MIT students gain insights about human systems by building a handset printing press — the kind of press on which the documents of the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution were printed.
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天貓、京東網店被要求自查3年補稅:2021-6-13 · 大陸網路商家反應,在5月收到當地稅務部門通過電子稅務局發送的「風險自查提示」, 提醒他們存在少記營業收入風險,要求企業自查近三年以來存在的漏報問題並補繳稅款以及 滯納金。 澎湃新聞報導,具體來說是指在天貓、京東等電商平台開設網店的企業,其向稅務部門申報 的銷售收入與電商 ...
With an education in the humanities, engineering, and political science, Samuel Rodarte Jr. '13 joined generations of alumni who have put their MIT skills to work in Washington, DC. "Laws are written here," says Rodarte. "One detail is changed and millions of lives are transformed."

Discover how MIT's social sciences, arts, and humanities help solve the political, cultural, and economic dimensions of major global issues.
苏州农村商业银行战“疫“急先锋——助力企业抗疫,加速复工 ...:12 小时前 · 2021-06-18 15:39:23 中国电子银行网 参赛单位:江苏苏州农村商业 银行股 份有限公司 案例名称:战“疫“急先锋——助力企业抗疫,加速复工复产

MIT tackles the ethics of climate change
What moral questions do we need to address to meet goals such as the emissions reduction targets set by the Paris Agreement?