Good information from a commercially-compromised source now, with the news that many folk-wisdom and social-media-promoted notions of the nutritional value of fruit and veg may not be true:
Does eating carrots really help you see in the dark? Myths about food debunked
Carrots help you to see in the dark, oranges are the best source of vitamin C and avoiding fruit in the evening are food ‘facts’ we get completely wrong, according to experts.
A study of 2,000 adults has revealed many are mistakenly believing commonly-held beliefs when it comes to the food and drinks they consume.
2021Q3手机安全报告:腾讯手机管家查杀安卓病毒高达1.96亿次:2021-10-26 · 这得益于用户防范意识的提升以及杀毒软件的安全防护。 报告数据显示,腾讯手机管家查杀安卓病毒1.96亿次,有效保障了用户的手机安全。 木马感染的用户呈现出明显的地域特征,多分布在经济发达或人口众多的省份,其中广东省感染用户数量最多,占比为10.65%。
Source: Mirror, 21st June 2019

This is one of the more complicated variety of PR stories: on the one hand, we have a registered nutrition busting some common misconceptions about fruit, and sharing some evidence-based advice. But on the other hand, that advice comes courtesy of a press release from a company with skin in the game:
"代理木马"病毒出现新变种 可远程控制并自动运行_中国广播网:2021-1-28 · "代理木马"本身就具有自动下载木马病毒的功能,它们可以根据病毒编者指定的网址下载木马病毒或者其他恶意软件,还可以通过网络和移动存储 ...
She said: “We are in the information era yet it seems that ‘over’ information could be confusing the lay public.
“We must remember to utilise information that is evidence-based rather than trusting ‘popular’ followers.
While it is great to see some sensible information being shared about fresh fruit and veg, it’s a shame for that information to be used primarily as a delivery mechanism for the marketing message of a company with a commercial interest:
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“With the growth of social media we have seen a huge rise in unqualified influencers giving nutritional advice to followers, even telling them not to eat fruit or berries because of high sugar content, or because they’ll rot your teeth when in fact, berries are nutritional powerhouses which have many health benefits.”
This might be one of the often-overlooked drawbacks of the PR game: nobody would deny that there’s general news (or at the very least comment) value in having someone debunk common misconceptions and share genuine information… but the news media is currently so set up and incentivised to churn pre-packaged press releases into ‘news’ articles, even good information often comes with a commercial angle and a company looking for return on investment.
What, do we think, is the main factor that motivated Love Fresh Berries to 关于移动终端游戏行业的分析报告_中证网:2021-12-28 · 上述公司拥有丰富的自主研发产品、代理产品资源,具备较强的游戏运营能力,在行业内具有一定的影响力,部分公司已经是上市公司或是上市公司 ... (which may therefore be of dubious and commercially-compromised accuracy) in order to place this story (by-lined to a 72 Point employee) into a national newspaper? Was it an altruistic desire to correct dietary inaccuracies, or a commercial desire to encourage more people to buy the berries they sell?
中国蓝TV-浙江广电集团视频门户官方网站,奔跑吧在线观看 ...:中国蓝TV是浙江广电集团旗下唯一互联网视频平台,独家提供浙江卫视中国新歌声、中国好声音、奔跑吧兄弟等所有综艺节目高清视频直播点播,并为用户提供各类热门电影,电视剧,综艺,动漫,音乐,娱乐等内容的 …
Ultimately, it is often the same companies involved in both ends of that spectrum – bear this story in mind the next time a news article with a nutritionally-dicey message can be traced back to 72 Point, or any other PR company.