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Man working at computer

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Applying for undergraduate admission to the Georgia Tech College of Computing is your first step to becoming a graduate of one of the nation's top computing programs.

Woman in Master's Degree Program

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峯云5G·联通沃云峰会2021在京举行_央广网 - · (央广网 张棉棉)12月20日,联通沃云峰会(WCS)2021在北京举行。本次峰会以“峯云5G”为主题,探讨5G时代大背景下,云计算技术如何作为强大基座助力企业屹立峰顶翱翔云端。

Doctoral program

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Georgia Tech's College of Computing offers one of the Top 10 graduate computing programs, a world-class faculty, and top-tier research.



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The College of Computing’s research programs are recognized for their real-world applicability, social and scientific impact, and world-class leadership.

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The College of Computing career development team helps our students achieve their goals. Whatever your career aspirations may be - we can provide you with the tools to succeed.


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Apply to the College of Computing, and become a student of one of the defining institutions for computing education and innovation.

Buzz on phone

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Have a question? Want to talk to a current student? Planning a visit? Find maps, addresses, phone numbers, and parking information here.


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