I wrote up some thoughts - SO FAR - on VR over at BoingBoing.

I'm finding it fascinating to watch the VR story unfurl: it feels like the hypey-hype peaks are higher than ever, and the sceptic-meh lows too. Everything seems to be so much more extreme these days, doesn't it?
I'm in the for-VR camp, but only because I've had a go with Tiltbrush on Vive, and found myself completely paralysed in The Walk (couldn't do it. Nope.). Fully-Immersive-VR-With-Hands is an amazing experience, and I want one in the living room.
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Google and Facebook, though. They are mainstream, and they are building this for the masses. Putting also-amazing AR aside, and glasses, bots, drones, messaging and healthcare*, I am thumbs-up that VR is a Thing that's here Now.
Lots of work to do, tho, starting with affordable rigs, cheap bluetoothy gestural devices, better headset styling, a far better understanding of the native experience(s) that best suit the platform, more data on whether it harms eyes/kids/the furniture, etc x 20.
Fun times!